Mortgage Broker

Andrew Carmichael

Connected Finance Solutions

20 Reviews


20 reviews






Reviews for Andrew Carmichael

Tania Harris

December 2023

Andrew is brillant, he makes lending very easy. We use him professionally and personally and have done for a few years now. Can't fault him.

Jake McClelland

November 2023

If it's your first time buying a house, I highly recommend Connected Finance Solutions. Andrew really helps you puts things into perspective and knows what he's talking about.

Callan Bond

November 2023

Andrew is easy to deal with and makes things easy to understand. Gives great advice and considers your personal circumstances with advice given.

Vasilis Kougios

August 2023

Andrew was awesome! Everything was done professionally and he was able to assist me in every way possible. He went above and beyond with everything I needed. I couldn't recommend Andrew enough. Keep up the good work

Kelly Sweet

August 2023

Highly recommended. Andrew was very helpful and got me a great rate. Helped me every step of the way. Communication was excellent throughout the process.

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